"In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in viewing has been split into having the audience perceive the male as dominant and the female as conforming/passive."
Representation of Women is MV's
- In some MV's, women are objectified. They do not seem to be represented as humans but as objects the male artist can play around with. This is conveyed through the provocative nature woman in MV's act with, the revealing clothing they wear and the dismemberment or women in MV's. It's common for music videos to focus on certain part of women rather than them as a whole.
Genres This Mostly Happens In
- Objectification of women mostly happens in the Hip Hop, RnB and Rock genres.
Artist Who Rebel Against/Challenge This?
- Female rappers such as Queen Latifah and Missy Elliot reject this objectification of woman as well as artists such as Beyonce and Madonna and instead promote female empowerment.
Analysis of Music Videos on Representation of Gender
Missy Elliot 'All N Ma' Grill'
- From the perspective of a female
- Missy Elliot is all covered up, rejects the Mulveys' theory of females shown as passive and conforming since she's shown to be independent
- Female traffic warden, women doing jobs men would do.
- Missy Elliot is the dominant one
- Empowering females
- Sub-inverting what Mulvey says about the objectification and passiveness of women is music as the man is the one who is dismembered and shown as a sexual object.
Dizzie Rascal 'Holiday'
- 'The male gaze'
- Dismemberment of the female body'
- Blatant example of the male gaze when the man at the door checks out the woman who walks though
- ^ Highlighted certain parts of the females body.
- Artists is surrounded by females in bikinis (There is so many of them that this makes them just bodies, objects)
- Men are empowered
Other Videos:
Duffy 'Stepping Stone' (Empowers Women)
Big Sean 'A$$ (Dance)' (Objectification of Women)
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